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     Legs with Boots

Legs with Boots

One who does not bow his head before the foe is called “Valliant person”. ‘Hyder Ali’ is of this principle and proved as a Brave King. He ruled the state of Mysore in India. The British men who came to India as traders desired to capture the entire country. The unity among the Indian Kings were spoiled by them. They began to catch one after another state of the country.

But “Hyder Ali’ did not fear for their guns and rifles. Hyder Ali showed much importance to the patriotism. The soil in which he born was worshipped by him. He did not want to loose the state. There was www.luxuryewatchesus.com/ a big war between British army and Mysore Army. (Hyeder Ali). The war was going on at a place called as Sri Rangapatna; several thousands of warriors from both sides lost their lives.

In front of the mighty regiment of British, Hyder Ali’s soldiers, horses and Elephants could not manage the attack. Hyder Ali could not win the battle. He was captured by the soldiers of British. He was brought before the commander of British Army. Hyder Ali stood before him with all his braveness. The commander expected him to bow his head and surrender. Hyder Ali stood as a brave tiger. The commander ordered him to salute him. But Hyder Ali replied that the respect is not the www.Buyownwatches.com/ think to demand and possess. He further explained that his head will bow before God only and never lower down to man kind. The British commander challenged him and told “You will bow your hand before me”.

Next day the commander raised a wall in between his chamber and Hyder Ali’s cell in which he was locked and kept as captive. The commander ordered the soldiers to make a hole in the wall. It was arranged to a height of a short Boy. The commander ordered Hyder Ali to come and meet him.

The commander thought that Hyder Ali should bend and low down his head in the hole and reach him.http://www.proswisswatch.net So that Hyder would bow his head and reach him. Hyder Ali came to know the plan of commander easily. Hyder Ali lay down his body near the hole and projected his legs with Boots and managed to get through the hole with his balancing of both hands which carried the body easily and helped to stand as a Brave man in front of commander.

The smart actions and the way in which he disrespected the officer through the legs with boots inspite of his head made the scene as a climax.

Posted by Ashok Georgia Annamalai

Posted Date 05.11.2014

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